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Volunteer Opportunities

To volunteer, please contact the Board member listed after each position description.  If you have any general questions about volunteering for ART, please contact Rebecca Chandler, Director of the Membership Committee: membership@nycarchivists.org.

2016 Awards Committee Volunteer
The Awards Committee is looking for volunteers to help with the selection of awards recipients and planning for the Awards Ceremony as part of New York Archives Week. Work includes: serving as the liaison between awards recipients and the Committee; finding and communicating with advertisers for the Awards Ceremony program; aiding with check-in, set-up, and clean-up prior to and following the ceremony; and other duties as assigned.
Time Commitment: 2 hours/week through October 27, 2016
Contact: Janet Bunde, Chair of the Awards Committee, awards@nycarchivists.org

2016 Archives Education Institute Volunteer
The Outreach Committee is looking for volunteers to help with the planning for the sixth annual Archives Education Institute, which is the culminating event for New York Archives Week each year. The AEI is designed to bring together local K-12 educators and archivists to discuss strategies for teaching with primary source materials drawn from the rich collections of local archives, museums and libraries. You'll meet local archivists and teachers and learn about primary source instruction.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/month, beginning in May 2016, including attendance at standing monthly meetings. Meetings will increase in frequency leading up to the Institute, which will be held in October 2016.
Contact: Lindsay Anderberg, Director of the Outreach Committee, community@nycarchivists.org

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee is looking for members to help manage, update, and expand its web pages on current/past advocacy actions, and resources for advocacy as well as for disaster planning and response.  Volunteers are also needed to help coordinate advocacy related programs and events, as well as to monitor public policy issues that affect our profession

Contact: Miranda Mims, Director of the Advocacy Committee, advocacy@nycarchivists.org

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is looking for members to help manage ART's internal and external communications. The committee produces the semi-annual Metropolitan Archivist journal and has plans to revamp For the Record: News from the Archivists Round Table ART's electronic newsletter. Current projects include working with graphic designer John Seckler on an organizational brand identity project to create a refreshed logo and mark for ART; and managing ART's Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts. 

The committee also administers a discussion listserv and hosts discussion groups, tours, and other exclusive events for members. Skills and interests will be considered in an effort to match potential volunteers with current committee needs.

Time Commitment: 5-7 hours/month

Contact: Rossy Mendez, Director of the Communications Committee, communications@nycarchivists.org

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is looking for volunteers! The Membership Committee is responsible for all aspects relating to membership. Committee members maintain the organizational database, oversee the Mentoring Program, and organize two social events a year. Tasks include: assisting in drafting e-mails, helping with social events, and occasional meetings.
Time Commitment: 4-5 hours/month
Contact: Rebecca Chandler, Director of the Membership Committee, membership@nycarchivists.org 

Programming Committee
The Programming Committee is responsible for all aspects of ART’s monthly meetings, from development to execution. Volunteers are needed for evening and daytime events as well as for planning and logistics.  Sitting on the Programming Committee is a great way for ART Members to interact with other repository personnel as well as fellow ART Members.
Programming Development: Time Commitment: 25-30 hours per year, including meetings and events. Responsibilities include: contributing to the development of content; obtaining venues to host events; coordinating with panelists, presenters, and venue hosts; and occasionally handling RSVPs. Development volunteers are required to attend Programming Committee meetings and/or be available for ongoing collaboration via email and telephone.  Programming Development volunteers are not required to attend events, but are encouraged to do so to understand process.
Programming Execution: Time Commitment: Flexible – 2-4 hours per Programming Event, with a minimum commitment of 2 Events per year. We are seeking volunteers available for DAY as well as EVENING Programming Events. Responsibilities include: occasionally helping with meeting RSVPs, set up/break down of venue, supporting needs of our host facility, ushering, catering, and general support. Programming Execution volunteers are not required to attend Programming Committee meetings, but are encouraged to do so when possible.
Contact for both positions: Alexandra Lederman, Director of the Programming Committee, programming@nycarchivists.org
Education Committee
The Education Committee is responsible for planning workshops throughout the year, as well as organizing and producing the annual symposium during New York Archives Week.  The Education Committee is looking for members who are interested in planning events to educate the archives community.  Ideally, a committee member is designated as liaison for an event.  This year, the symposium will be held on Thursday, October 20th, 2016 and the theme is architectural records.  The Education Committee is forming a sub-committee specifically for the Symposium and is seeking 2 Co-Chairs. 
Contact: Rachel Harrison, Director of the Education Committee, education@nycarchivists.org

Website Development Volunteer
ART is redesigning its website (www.nycarchivists.org) and seeking volunteers to assist with this endeavor. Opportunities to volunteer include assisting with website design, website content development, and administering a focus group amongst ART membership. Experience with programming and website management is encouraged but not required. Redesigning the ART website is a great opportunity to enhance ART’s online presence, gain experience in public relations and marketing, and network with the archives community.
Time Commitment: 6-8 hours per month until the redesigned website is launched (date TBD).
Contact: Kerri Anne Burke, President, president@nycarchivists.org 

What Is an Archive? Website Volunteer
The Outreach Committee is looking for volunteers to design a page on the A.R.T. website to explain to the public what an archive is; who archivists are; and what we do. This is a great opportunity to think about the purpose and significance of our profession--and to turn your elevator speech into a website!
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week.
Contact: Kerri Anne Burke, President, president@nycarchivists.org

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