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Second Annual K-12 Archives Education Institute

  • Saturday, October 15, 2011
  • 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • National Archives, 201 Varick Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10014

The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc., (ART) in partnership with the National Archives at New York City, and with sponsorship from the Association of Teachers of Social Studies/United Federation of Teachers, announces the second annual K-12 Archives Education Institute (AEI). The event will be held at the National Archives at New York City from 9:30am-3:30pm on Saturday, October 15, 2011. This program is intended to bring together 35 local K-12 educators and archivists to discuss strategies for teaching primary source materials on the topic of immigration and migration. The Institute will culminate in a collaborative exercise to develop K-12 curriculum on immigration and migration based on Common Core Standards and utilizing the collections from participating repositories. The AEI will begin with a morning panel moderated by Christopher Zarr, Education Specialist at the National Archives at New York City, with the following panelists:

Pamela Cruz, Director, Girl Scouts of the USA National Historic Preservation Center

Richard Geldmacher, Social Studies Cluster Teacher, PS 68, Bronx; Chapter Leader, United Federation of Teachers

Beth E. Kuhlman, Esq., Adjunct Lecturer of Education, Queens College; History Teacher, Queens Metropolitan High School, Forest Hills 

Ellen Noonan, Adjunct Professor of Public History, New York University; American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Melvin Reeves, Associate Director, Program Planning and Evaluation, StoryCorps

Andy Steinitz, Master of Science Student, Library and Information Science, Pratt Institute; Assistant Registrar-Transfer Articulation, Office of the Registrar, Pratt Institute

In the afternoon, there will be educational activities for participants on the topic of immigration and migration. At the conclusion of the event, certificates will be awarded to participants, which may be eligible for 5 Archival Recertification Credits (ARCs) for members of the Academy of Certified Archivists under section B.3.c, and professional development hours for teachers and educators.

 The group will continue to work collaboratively on the curriculum following the Institute with the guidance of the AEI Planning Committee, ART, and the National Archives at New York City. The curriculum, as a work in progress, will be presented to the public at a special event in January 2012, sponsored by ART and the National Archives.

A light breakfast and lunch will be provided for all participants. This event is free for all participants who have been accepted to the Institute. Only accepted applicants can attend the Institute. Generous support is provided by MetLife.

Teachers and educators, including student teachers, in the Metropolitan New York area, as well as archivists working in the Metropolitan New York area, are eligible to apply to the program. Applications are available online: http://nycarchivists.wufoo.com/forms/k12-archives-education-institute. All applications are due by September 16, 2011, and all applicants will be notified of acceptance by September 19, 2011.

All press inquires and questions may be directed to: Ryan Anthony Donaldson, ART Communications and Outreach Coordinator, outreach@nycarchivists.org.

Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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