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Historians and Archivists: Following in the Footsteps of FDR

  • Wednesday, April 06, 2016
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Roosevelt House at Hunter College 47-49 East 65th Street New York, NY 10065


Registration is closed

Historians and Archivists: Following in the Footsteps of FDR

A short program to explore the relation of archives, history, and biography at one of the most famous presidential residences in New York City. The biography of President Franklin D. Roosevelt is inexhaustible, with a continual production of new books and articles on his presidency every year. Using the Roosevelt biography as a basis for discussion, this program will explore how historians utilize archival resources to publish on history and biography and how archivists can best position themselves to empower the researchers who consult them for information and to advocate for history.


Deborah S. Gardner, Historian and Curator of Roosevelt House at Hunter College, and author of Roosevelt House at Hunter College: The Story of Franklin & Eleanor’s New York City Home (2009)

David W. Rose, Archivist, March of Dimes, and author of the newly released Friends and Partners: The Legacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Basil O’Connor in the History of Polio (2016)

Attendees will also have the opportunity of viewing Roosevelt House’s first special exhibition, Women Take the Lead: From Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Eleanor Roosevelt, Suffrage to Human Rights, in the first floor galleries prior to the program (from 5:30-6:00pm). Light refreshments will be served after the program (from 7:00-7:30pm).

Online Registration Required. Please note that you MUST pay in advance online in order to attend this program. (You DO NOT need to have or create a PayPal account to pay online). If you have any questions or concerns regarding payment, please email programming@nycarchivists.org.

Please be advised that there are no refunds; your registration dollars go towards supporting future A.R.T. Programming Events.

Please note that in attending this event, you automatically grant your consent for the event to be photographed or video-recorded.

If you are a person with a disability and require special accommodations to attend this event, please notify programming@nycarchivists.org.  Special needs requests will be compiled for our host.

For questions regarding registration for this event, please contact programming@nycarchivists.org.

A.R.T. would like to graciously thank the Roosevelt House for hosting the event.

Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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