Image from Em Longan's article "Setting the Stage: Processing the Robin Wagner Designs Collection at NYPL." Watercolor drop of the New York City skyline for Jerome Robbins' Broadway (1989). Robin Wagner designs, *T-Vim 2023–001. Billy Rose Theatre Division, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Photograph by Em Longan, 2024.
Image from Em Longan's article "Setting the Stage: Processing the Robin Wagner Designs Collection at NYPL." Watercolor drop of the New York City skyline for Jerome Robbins' Broadway (1989). Robin Wagner designs, *T-Vim 2023–001. Billy Rose Theatre Division, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Photograph by Em Longan, 2024.The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (ART) is excited to share the Winter 2025 issue of the Metropolitan Archivist, Let's Get Creative, which highlights a variety of archival collections, projects, and current exhibitions centering creativity and the arts.
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Please stay tuned for the next call for submissions for our summer issue. Anyone who has suggestions for a theme, article, or review, or who would like to get involved in editing the next issue, should contact