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Metropolitan Archivist

The Metropolitan Archivist is the digital publication of the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York. The Metropolitan Archivist is a forum for archivists in the New York metropolitan area and beyond to publish on local histories and collections, issues impacting the field, new projects undertaken within our professional community, and more.

Find the Metropolitan Archivist (2018-present) on Medium: https://medium.com/metropolitan-archivist

To volunteer for the Publications Committee, or to submit comments or questions, please contact the Director of Publications at:

Metropolitan Archivist (2011-2016)

ART’s bi-annual publication, Metropolitan Archivist, served its members by informing them of ART activities through reports of monthly meetings and committee activities, relating important announcements about individual members and member repositories, reporting important news related to the New York metropolitan area archival profession, and providing a forum to discuss archival issues.




New York Archives Week (NYAW) Symposium Proceedings

These publications document ART's New York Archives Week symposia, which feature presentations and panel discussions on a theme relevant to archivists with the aim of bringing together archivists, industry experts, records managers, librarians, museum professionals, professors, scholars, academic researchers, and the general public. Read more about NYAW.

Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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