From its inception in 2007, DAS (Digital Asset Symposium) has brought together speakers and case studies providing a unique opportunity to compare approaches from a wide variety of institutions dealing with the same digital challenges. Bringing together content creators, technologists, and caretakers to address the full lifecycle of a media asset – from production to rights management.

As the world’s largest association of professional media archivists, the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) is uniquely poised to bring together a broad range of experts in examining the lifecycle of a digital media asset.
AMIA members represent a broad range of organizations – film studios, corporate and national archives, historical societies, labs, post production, universities, footage libraries and more. Because of this uniquely diverse membership, AMIA provides an opportunity to interact with every facet of the field and a single forum to address the best ways to preserve our visual heritage.
As an international association, AMIA’s status as a UNESCO NGO provides a number of opportunities to work internationally in media preservation.
2015 Speakers
Speakers are still being added to the program.
Todd Carter - Todd Carter is Founder/CEO of Tagasauris Inc. Tagasauris is an intelligent data platform for visual media that combines human assisted computing with semantic Web technologies to create networked, relationship-aware image and video objects. Todd is recognized as an innovator and entrepreneur in the digital media and linked data communities with over 20 years working experience in publishing, broadcasting and cultural heritage.
Tagasauris has been featured in The New York Times, Wired, Business Week, The Economist and others. Tagasauris and the Museum of the City of New York are the recipients of an award from The National Endowment for the Humanities to annotate the museum’s collections.
In 2010, on the heels of a successful collaboration with the legendary photography cooperative, Magnum Photos, Todd began thinking anew about the possibility of teaching computers to do things with media on the Web.
Todd believes that visual content is the currency of tomorrow’s Web, that the shift from hypertext to hypermedia is both inevitable and exciting and, that once computers can understand visual media, a new generation of applications for discovery and visual-first learning will be enabled. Tagasauris’ computational approach allows them to backfill the so called “semantic gap” with a layer of structured, contextual, relationship-aware data.
This data is persisted in a knowledge base we call mediaGraph. mediaGraph has the potential to interlink the currently impoverished, disparate and silo’d descriptions of media across the Web and we believe it can power a new breed of knowledge-centric applications in the world of ubiquitous online multimedia.
Tanya Clement - Tanya Clement is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. She has a PhD in English Literature and Language and an MFA in fiction. Her primary area of research is scholarly information infrastructure. She has published widely on digital humanities and digital literacies as well as
scholarly editing , modernist literature, and sound studies. Her current research projects include High Performance Sound Technologies in Access and Scholarship (HiPSTAS).
Tracy Shaw - Tracey Shaw is a entertainment executive with extensive experience overseeing major, industry-leading production and distribution initiatives including the WWE Network, which recently reached the record-breaking milestone of 1 million “over-the-top” subscribers in less than 1 year. As SVP of TV and Network Operations at WWE, Tracey is currently responsible for the strategy, planning, finances, workflow, and operations of WWE’s television studio and network origination master control. She manages a staff of 60.
Tracey brings over 20 years of experience in the film and television industries, in a storied career that has spanned multiple media operations, transition to HD capture and broadcast technology, re-branding campaigns, and the production of animated films, documentaries, commercials, radio spots, and TV news programs.
Tracey’s previous industry speaking engagements include: 2014 SVG Sports Asset Management & Storage “Getting Started: Best Practices for Launching your MAM Workflow – Panelist; 2012 Digital Asset Management NY – Panel Moderator; 2011 DAM NY – Panelist; 2010 DAM NY – Keynote Speaker.
G. Sayeed Choudhury - G. Sayeed Choudhury is the Associate Dean for Research Data Management and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center at the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the Institute of Data Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES) based at Johns Hopkins. He has been a member of the National Academies Board on Research Data and Information, the ICPSR Council, the DuraSpace Board,Digital Library Federation advisory committee, Library of Congress’ National Digital Stewardship Alliance Coordinating Committee and Federation of Earth Scientists Information Partnership (ESIP) Executive Committee. He has been a Senior Presidential Fellow with the Council on Library and Information Resources, a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins and a Research Fellow at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is the recipient of the 2012 OCLC/LITA Kilgour Award. He has testified for the Research Subcommittee of the Congressional Committee on Science, Space and Technology.
Choudhury has served as principal investigator for projects funded through the National Science Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Library of Congress’ NDIIPP, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Microsoft Research, and a Maryland based venture capital group. He is the Principal Investigator for the Data Conservancy, one of the original awards through NSF’s DataNet program. He has oversight for data curation research and development at the Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University. Choudhury has published articles in journals such as the International Journal of Digital Curation, D-Lib, the Journal of Digital Information, First Monday, and Library Trends. He has served on committees for the Digital Curation Conference, Open Repositories, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, and Web-Wise. He has presented at various conferences including Educause, CNI, JISC-CNI, DLF, ALA, ACRL, and international venues including IFLA, the Kanazawa Information Technology Roundtable, eResearch Australasia, the North America-China Conference, eResearch New Zealand and the Arabian-Gulf Chapter of the Special Libraries Conference.
Jean-Louis Blanchart - Jean-Louis Blanchart is Director – European affairs and technological developments, General delegation for the digitization of the cultural heritage, Ministry of the French speaking Community of Belgium.
Graduated with a master degree in physics and a complementary master degree in management, Jean-Louis Blanchart joined the Ministry of the french speaking Community of Belgium in 1993. After heading the media department, he’s currently in charge of European affairs and technological developments at the General Delegation for the digitization of the cultural heritage. He has been an expert for the Council of Europe and the International organization of La Francophonie, and he chaired the Audiovisual Working Party of the EYC Council during the 2010 Belgian Presidency of the EU. He is also visiting professor at the “Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogyne”, where he teaches courses on knowledge representation in the semantic web.