Archives in the Electronic Age: Part I
The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) is organizing a two-part series on the topic of Archives in the Electronic Age. The events will be co-sponsored by the Cardozo Data Law Initiative and The Sedona Conference®.
Part I - June 24, 2015 (10am-5pm)
Part II - October 1, 2015 (6-8pm) as a part of Cardozo Tech Talks.
The course of life does not change arbitrarily, it evolves. Innovations do not occur in a vacuum, but are informed by an awareness of the past and are inspired by a vision of the future. The role of archivists has evolved dramatically during the twentieth century, due to an expanded awareness of the value of documents and materials, a growth in the diversification of subjects requiring archival administration, advances in technologies, and an ever-increasing demand for information of all kinds.
Along the way, new categories of data and types of storage offer new problems to be solved, questions to be answered. If the majority of humankind's collective knowledge is to become computerized—or eventually redefined by some technology not yet known—how will this affect our access to and understanding of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that forms the complete picture of our civilization? After all, aren't computers merely another kind of storage container for documents, in some sense no different from those "air-tight metallic containers" used in Ohio in the early 1800s? Or do they offer a fundamental challenge to the way we work, think, and relate to one another?
The day will cover issues that might confront archivists and records information management personnel as records are created or converted into electronic format. The forum will focus on presentations and panel discussions, studies, strategies, research, analyses, and use studies with the aim of bringing together archivists, industry experts, records managers, librarians, museum professionals, professors, scholars, academic researchers and the general public. The day will be broken up into four one-hour sessions.
Please click here for the program schedule.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 - 10:00 - 5:00 PM
Cardozo Law School
Moot Courtroom
55 Fifth Avenue @ 12th Street
New York, NY 10003
Online Registration Required. The fee to attend the June 24th event is $15 per person and must be paid online in advance. We recommend registering no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, June 19th, 2015. Please be advised that there are no refunds; your registration dollars go towards supporting future A.R.T. Education Events.
Please do not contact the host venue for any reason. All inquiries for this A.R.T. Education Event should be sent to
If you are a person with a disability and require special accommodations to attend this event, please notify Special needs requests will be compiled for our host.
The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) would like to thank Cardozo Law School for hosting this event.