ART Monthly Programming Event
Co-Sponsored by the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) Department of Special Collections and FIT Archives
Friday, 20 April 2012
Fashion Institute of Technology
227 West 27th Street
7th Avenue at 27th Street (SW Corner) (further details provided registration confirmation)
New York City, NY 10001
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
6:00 pm Program
7:00 pm Social and Access to Museum at FIT Exhibition
Online registration required:
ART Members $ 5.00
Non-Members $10.00
FIT Community Free (current students, faculty, staff - only the first 25 FIT registrants will be admitted for free, pending registration space availability - registration is first come, first serve for all persons; use registration code: FIT)
Online Registration Required. Please register by Monday, 16 April 2012 at midnight. Complete location details will be provided with registration confirmation. PLEASE NOTE: you do not have to have a Pay Pal account to pay online, simply choose "Online" to pay by Credit Card or Pay Pal account. (You have to close the Pay Pal window to continue with Credit Card.)
Please do not contact the host venue for any reason. All inquires for this ART Monthly Programming Committee Event should be sent to:
“A New Frontier in Fashion Information Delivery and Digital Collaboration: André Studios Fashion Drawings & Sketches in the Collections of FIT and the New York Public Library”
This digitized collection of thousands of fashion drawings and sketches produced by André Fashion Studios between 1930 and 1941 is the result of a partnership between the Picture Collection of The New York Public Library (NYPL) and the Special Collections & FIT Archives of the Fashion Institute of Technology Library. The partners aimed to virtually unite a collection of spectacular quality and historical significance that is physically divided among the two institutions and, as an equally important goal, to leverage open-source technologies to create a prototype of a fashion information and image portal that would provide access to costume and fashion-related resources held by various New York City educational and cultural heritage institutions
This is truly a METRO-funded, collaborative digitization project success story; the NYPL and FIT project personnel would like to share it with you.
After the Program, in addition to the Social, you may also enjoy the current Museum at FIT exhibition, which is open until 8:00 pm: Fashion, A-Z: Highlights from the Collection of the Museum at FIT, Part One No food or drink is allowed in the galleries.