Carnegie Hall in 1895, Carnegie Hall (Byron Bros., N.Y., 1895). Image from Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.
Title: Tour of the Carnegie Hall Rose Archives
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 5:45 PM (Tour begins promptly at 6:00 PM)
Capacity: 15
Admission: Free! (A.R.T. Members Only)
Location: Rose Archives, 154 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019
Join us on a tour of the Carnegie Hall Rose Archives, led by Assistant Director Rob Hudson who will provide an overview of the fascinating and varied history of this legendary performing arts venue. Participants will also visit the inestimable Isaac Stern Auditorium, which has been hosting performances since 1891. Following this, we'll visit the Rose Museum where Rob will showcase some interesting artifacts from its collections.
This in-person event is open to A.R.T. members only, and is limited to 15 people. Registration is non-transferable. Please note that you MUST reserve a ticket in advance online in order to attend this event.
On the occasion that the event is sold out, we highly recommend joining the waitlist. A member of the A.R.T. staff will reach out to you if a spot becomes available. Unless you've been given permission, please do not show up at the event without registering.
How to find the Rose Archives
The entrance for the Rose Archives is located at 154 West 57th Street. If you're standing under the main marquee for Carnegie Hall (corner of 57th Street and 7th Avenue) looking towards the box office lobby, that's about three doors to the left, or east, towards 6th Avenue. Look for "Resnick Education Wing" on the glass above the door. Participants will enter through the public entrance for the Archives and congregate in the Archives Research Room. Coats, bags, and other belongings may be left in this room during the tour.
The Carnegie Hall Susan W. Rose Archives has a deep commitment to ensuring the safety, security, and endurance of materials in its collections. Its mission is to acquire, preserve, and make publicly accessible documents and materials—physical and digital—related to the origins, history, activities, growth, and development of Carnegie Hall. This mission is accomplished by the conservation and preservation of objects in its care, by supporting research and scholarly use of the collections, and by presenting exhibitions in the Rose Museum.

Rob Hudson, MSLIS, has been an archivist at Carnegie Hall since 1997, where he works to ensure discoverability and access to Carnegie Hall’s archival resources and collections by creating, structuring, and interpreting authoritative records on the institution’s history. He spearheaded the publication of the Hall’s performance history as Linked Open Data and has served as a delegate to the Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums (LODLAM) Summits in Venice, Italy (2017), and Los Angeles (2020). In addition to his MSLIS, Rob has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music education and performance. He is a member of the Archivists Roundtable of Metropolitan New York (ART).
Please note that by registering and attending this event/webinar, you automatically grant your consent to be photographed and/ or video-recorded and to the release, publication, or reproduction of any and all recorded media of your appearance, voice, and name for any purpose whatsoever in perpetuity in connection with the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. and its initiatives, including, by way of example only, use on websites, in social media, news, newsletters, Metropolitan Archivist, and advertising.