Digital Symbiosis: Archivists and Technology
New York Archives Week Symposium and Awards Ceremony 2024
The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (A.R.T.) is pleased to announce that after 5 years, the annual A.R.T. Symposium and Awards Ceremony will take place in-person at the Gotham Center for New York City History on Thursday, October 17th from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm. (Registration will start at 9:30 am).
As we grapple with digital preservation, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons of technology. While advancements offer new possibilities, they also introduce challenges. This year's symposium explores the dynamic relationship between archivists and machines.
Our speakers will delve into how technology can enhance workflow efficiency, user experience, and preservation efforts and will also explore potential pitfalls, including accessibility issues, sustainability concerns, and cost implications. By understanding both the benefits and drawbacks, we can make informed decisions about the best tools for preserving our digital heritage.
The symposium offers a full day of presentations on research, labor strategies, and best practices, with the aim of bringing together archivists, records managers, librarians, museum professionals, scholars, researchers, and the general public.
Please also join us to celebrate the distinguished work and lasting achievements of individuals and institutions of our profession for the Awards Ceremony, which will follow immediately after the symposium.
This is an in-person event limited to 70 people. Advance registration is required and non-transferable. Please note that you must reserve a ticket in advance online in order to attend the symposium and awards ceremony.
Coffee and a light lunch will be provided.
A.R.T. Members: $20.00 per person
A.R.T. Member Students: $10.00 per person
Non-A.R.T. members: $30.00 per person
The Gotham Center for New York City History,
William P. Kelly Skylight Conference Room, RM 9100, 9th Floor
365 5th Ave #6103, New York, NY 10016
Date: Thursday, October 17th, 2024
Time: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Please note: This event will not be recorded, but presentations will be organized in a proceedings document available sometime after the event.
9:30 am - 10:00 am: Registration
10:00 am - 10:10 am: Opening Remarks from Deidre Dinnigan, President
10:10 am - 10:20 am: Introduction to Symposium from Herbert Duran, Director of Education
10: 20 am - 11: 20 am:
Access: The Importance of Always Keeping Our Communities in Mind
Moderator: Oscar Zamora Flores, Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, CUNY
Using Open Data and Crowdsourcing to Create a Dynamic Map of History with Queens Name Explorer | Aimai Reporter, Metadata Librarian - Digital Archives, Queens Public Library - Queens Memory, Lori Wallach, Outreach Coordinator, Queens College, Ben Smyth, Co-Founder of Urban Archive, Urban Archive
Facilitating Discovery and Access: The Challenges and Successes of Archival Requesting at The New York Public Library | Laura Leone, Senior Project Manager, Collections Access and Discovery, New York Public Library, Michelle McCarthy-Behler, Manager for Public Services, Manuscripts, Archives, and Rare Books, New York Public Library
Enhancing Discernment and Reducing Drudgery While Cataloging WNYC's On the Line: You Get Paid to Think | Martha Ball, Archive Manager, New York Public Radio, Marcos Sueiro Bal, Project Cataloger, New York Public Radio
11:25 am - 11: 40 am: Coffee Break
11:40 am - 1:00 pm:
Shifting Platforms: The Quest for Long Term Preservation and Access
Moderator: Brendan Enright, Pratt Institute
Harmonizing History: The New York Philharmonic's Digital Migration Journey | Bill Levay, Digital Archivist, New York Philharmonic
Contending with Content Concerns: A Case Study of NYC Municipal Archives Reparative Description Practices and Platform Migration | Kelli O'Toole, Digital Preservation Supervisor, Department of Records and Information Services, Caleb Simone, Digital Archivist, Department of Records and Information Services
All for One, and One for All: CUNY’s move to Archives Space | Regina Carra, Outreach & Processing Archivist, City University of New York, Jessica Webster, Digital Initiatives Librarian/Associate Professor, Baruch College, CUNY, Thomas Cleary, LaGuardia Community College, Archivist
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm:
Cycles: Preserving, Using, and Reactivating Archives
Moderator: Katie Blake, Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York.
Using Web Archives for Primary Source Instruction | Lizzy Zarate, Archives and Records Intern, NYC Independent Budget Office
Web Archiving: Preserving the Future of Scientific Endeavor | Chaeyeon Kim, Digital Archivist, Upstate Medical University (SUNY)
Re-Animating Archives: Performance Art and Mixed Reality |
Mary O'Leary, Independent Museum Professional
3:00 pm - 3:10 pm: Break
3:10 pm - 3:55 pm:
Special Presentation: Creating Futures Through Memory Work
Moderator: Herbert Duran, Center for Puerto Rican Studies, Hunter College, CUNY
Arts2Work Digital Archivist Apprenticeship Program: Martha Diaz, Executive Director, Hip-Hop Education Center and Wendy Levy, Executive Director, The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture
The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture presents the Arts2Work Digital Archivist Apprenticeship, a groundbreaking initiative designed to address the burgeoning demand for skilled digital archivists and archival curators. The program specifically targets young people and emerging creative technologists who are disconnected from school and work, offering them a unique pathway to professional development in digital media archiving and digital asset management.
3:55 pm - 4 pm: Break
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Award Ceremony
Please note that by registering and attending this event/webinar, you automatically grant your consent to be photographed and/ or video-recorded and to the release, publication, or reproduction of any and all recorded media of your appearance, voice, and name for any purpose whatsoever in perpetuity in connection with the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. and its initiatives, including, by way of example only, use on websites, in social media, news, newsletters, Metropolitan Archivist, and advertising.