Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) Annual Meeting and June Programming Event, co-sponsored by the Center for Jewish History, New York City
Board elections will be held at the Annual Meeting on Monday, 17 June 2013 at the Center for Jewish History (CJH), 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm. If you cannot attend the Annual Meeting or if you know you will arrive after 7:00 pm, please vote by email as soon as possible; election information is available on the ART web site. If you vote in person at the Annual Meeting, ballots will be available.
Monday, 17 June 2013
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, New York 10011
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm ART Social
6:30 pm – 7:00 pm Voting open for ART Board Elections
7:15 pm - 8:30 pm ART Annual Business Meeting & Center for Jewish History Program: “Processing Large Collections”
FREE for ART Members
(This event is only for ART Members, no guests are allowed.)
Online registration is required by midnight Thursday, 13 June 2013. There will be no exceptions after this date as ART must have final head count to CJH on 14 June for catering and security.
This ART Programming Event is for ART Members only and will include the Annual Business Meeting. You must be a current ART Member to attend.
Processing Large Collections Panel
Join us after the ART Annual Business Meeting for a lively panel about processing large collections. Veteran archivists Mimi Bowling (consulting archivist), Bonnie Marie Sauer (National Archives at New York City), and Susan Woodland (American Jewish Historical Society) will discuss the particular challenges and joys of working with massive record groups and enormous institutional archives, ranging from appraisal decisions and processing approaches to project management, budgets, and backlogs. Kevin Schlottmann (Center for Jewish History) will moderate the discussion.
Mimi Bowling (B.A. Case Western Reserve University, M.L.S. Columbia University) has been a private practice consulting archivist since 2004. Her consulting services include program planning and project management, preservation and security assessments and grant writing for clients including museums, universities and other not-for-profit cultural and educational organizations; federal, state, county and municipal government agencies; and corporations. She was previously the Charles J. Liebman Curator of Manuscripts, The New York Public Library; Archivist and Supervisory Museum Curator, Thomas Edison National Historical Park, West Orange, N.J.; Manuscript Librarian, Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Bonnie Marie Sauer is an Archivist with National Archives at New York City. Prior to joining the National Archives, she was an Archivist with The Winthrop Group where she processed papers of Congressman Peter W. Rodino and advised clients how to manage their archival holdings. She completed her internship at The New York Public Library's Billy Rose Theater Collection. Before earning her MLIS and certificate in Archives and Records Management from Long Island University in 2006, Bonnie worked as Museum Technician for Nassau County Museum System; Collection Manager and Development Associate for The Smithtown Historical Society; and Public Relations Director for The Smithtown Library. In her current position, Bonnie serves as Processing Team Lead, Intern Coordinator, and regional co-representative to the Business Requirements Group for NARA's Electronic Records Archives.
Susan Woodland has been Senior Archivist for the UJA-Federation of New York Collection at the American Jewish Historical Society since July 2011, a four-year grant-funded project. The project employs 4 archivists and originally totaled 3300 bankers boxes. The collection will document the work over 80 years of the organizations merged into today’s United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. From 1996 until May 2011 Susan was Director of the Hadassah Archives, on deposit with the American Jewish Historical Society, at the Center for Jewish History, New York City, another large collection. Member of Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. since 1996, Susan previously served as Vice President for Programming, and currently sits on the Steering Committee of MARAC as the New York State Caucus representative, and is a member of Academy of Certified Archivists. Susan holds BFA and MLIS degrees from Pratt Institute.
Kevin Schlottmann has been a processing archivist at the Center for Jewish History since 2010. He deals primarily with materials belonging to the Leo Baeck Institute, aided by knowledge of German acquired in his previous career as a translator. He holds an MLS with an archives certificate from the Queens College GSLIS, and has taught workshops about photographic preservation as well as Encoded Archival Description (EAD).
ART thanks co-sponsor, CJH, for hosting the 2013 ART annual business meeting, providing a wonderful program and sponsoring the social. The Center for Jewish History is one of the foremost Jewish research and cultural institutions in the world. It is home to five partner organizations - American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research - whose collections total more than 500,000 volumes and 100 million documents and include thousands of pieces of artwork, textiles, ritual objects, recordings, films and photographs.
Please do not contact the host venue for any reason. Contact the ART Programming Committee with any questions concerning registration or program:
Questions about this year’s Board elections should be sent to Pamela Cruz, Vice President:
Your presence at the ART Annual Business Meeting grants permission for ART and CJH to photograph the event.
Check the ART website for information on upcoming events and latest news.