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Call for Submissions Metropolitan Archivist Winter 2014 Edition

Sunday, October 27, 2013 4:18 PM | Deleted user

Call for Submissions
Metropolitan Archivist
Winter 2014 Edition

The Editors of the Metropolitan Archivist are seeking
submissions from members of the Archivists Round
Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.).
Please consider submitting an article to heighten
awareness, enlighten colleagues, reach a larger audience,
and add your voice to our collective professional

Use our online Submission Form for all your submissions.
All submissions are due by December 15, 2013.
We are seeking submissions for the following sections:

➔ ART News
➔ Feature Articles
➔ Exhibition Reviews
➔ Repository Profiles
➔ Interviews
➔ "Reaching Out"
➔ Citing Collections
➔ Book Reviews

Submissions Guidelines

The deadline for all submissions for this issue of Metropolitan Archivist is
December 15, 2013. Please use the online Metropolitan Archivist
Submission Form to upload articles and images. Articles and submissions will
be subject to review by the Editors for grammar and syntax. Some articles
may be edited for length. If substantive changes are made, the article will be
returned to the author for review before publishing. General inquiries can be
made to the Editor.

Permission to use images online will be required for all contributors. If you
have images to submit with your article, first advise your organization that
the Metropolitan Archivist is an online publication before submitting any
images. Then complete, review, and sign the Permission to Publish Images
Form. Please send the completed form to editor@nycarchivists.org.

The Metropolitan Archivist staff is extremely grateful to our members who send us
contributions for each issue. We appreciate this show of support for ART and the
metropolitan New York archives community. Thank you!

Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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