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President's Letter to the A.R.T. Membership

Monday, April 13, 2015 11:08 AM | Deleted user

The following letter to A.R.T. membership was originally sent via email to all members on April 13, 2015.


A Letter to the A.R.T. Membership

Happy spring!

Thank you to all our members that took the time to complete the 2015 Member Survey form. We were gratified to receive 115 responses!

We discussed the survey results at our last Board meeting. The A.R.T. Board values your thoughtful and constructive feedback, along with suggestions for improvement. Looking towards the future, we are committed to enhancing the value of your A.R.T. membership. As a result of this initiative, we are pleased to announce the following:

Addition of the Director of the Advocacy Committee

Since 2013, this Board position has been merged with the Outreach Committee, with one Director serving both committees. Over the past few years, membership interest in both Advocacy and Outreach has grown steadily. To provide enhanced volunteer opportunities for members and to strengthen the impact of these Committees, the Board structure will expand to include a Director of the Advocacy Committee.

This position is the Advocacy Committee’s voting representative for the A.R.T. Board, serving a two-year term (June 2015 - June 2017). Tiffany Nixon, currently the Director of the Outreach and Advocacy Committees, will continue on as Director of the Outreach Committee through June 2016.

Creation of the Development Committee

Many of the survey responses expressed a desire for A.R.T. to provide more cost-effective, cross-disciplinary programming with additional networking opportunities, as well as exhibition visits and other exciting ideas. To properly support these initiatives, an A.R.T. Development Committee will begin in June 2015.

This committee will be comprised of a non-voting Director, and at minimum 3 committee members. The Director will be appointed by the Board each year in June. There is an option for renewal of up to 3 years, at the Board’s discretion. The Director’s responsibilities will include: generating resources for A.R.T. programs and events; conducting strategic planning for identifying potential funding sources; and actively communicating with the A.R.T. Board on committee actions and activities.

In preparation for the A.R.T. Board elections and end-of-year program, to be held at the Museum of Modern Art on June 15th, we will be adding the Director of the Advocacy Committee position along with the other open positions: Vice-President/President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of the Advocacy Committee, and Director of the Education Committee.

Nomination forms can be accessed here.  The deadline for nominations is May 29, 2015. Self-nominations are encouraged! Stay tuned for additional announcements regarding the elections and the end-of-year program.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.



Ryan Anthony Donaldson                                                                                          






Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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