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  • Saturday, October 05, 2013 9:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Kick off New York Archives Week 2013, October 6-12, 2013, with a bonus day visit to New York Academy of Medicine, Brandt Jackson Foundation, Festival of Medical History and the Arts. They are offering a Program, Exhibit, Tour, Lecture, Workshop, Festival and Open Day.  See the mention in Andy Newman's "New York Today" column online in The New York Times.

    Saturday, October 5, 2013, 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (New York Archives Week bonus day)

    Location: New York Academy of Medicine, 1216 Fifth Avenue at 103rd Street, New York, NY

    RSVP is not required.

    Website: www.nyam.org and www.nyamcenterforhistory.org

    https://twitter.com/search?q=%23NYAMHistFest  #NYAMHistFest


    Image courtesy of New York Academy of Medicine.

    The New York Academy of Medicine's Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health presents its first all-day festival on October 5, 2013, celebrating artists, scholars, writers and thinkers working at the intersections of history, medicine, art and the humanities. Free events on three floors are open to the public without registration from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The widely varied program includes an exhibition of some of the Center's more than 500,000 volumes, behind-the-scenes tours of its book and paper conservation laboratory, and other historical gems, plus a rarely screened film from the National Library of Medicine’s collection starring Gene Kelly as a sailor suffering combat fatigue. The Center will also welcome two guest curators. Lawrence Weschler will present one of his well-known “Wonder Cabinets” and curate a day of presentations with speakers including Oliver Sacks, Bill Hayes, Riva Lehrer, and Jane Gauntlett. Brooklyn’s Morbid Anatomy will present anatomical drawing workshops, a medical wax moulage demonstration, and speakers exploring the surprisingly fertile intersections of art and medicine. More information at www.nyamcenterforhistory.org and http://www.nyam.org/events/2013/docs/festival-of-medical-history.html

  • Sunday, September 22, 2013 7:52 AM | Anonymous member
    Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) will celebrate the 25th anniversary of New York Archives Week October 6-12, 2013. New York Archives Week’s premier event, the A.R.T Awards Ceremony, will be held on October 10, 2013. The A.R.T. Awards Ceremony is the only awards program in the metropolitan New York area dedicated to honoring the work of archivists and recognizing those institutions and individuals who provide vital support to archival programs. 

    Commemorative Journals containing celebratory wishes for our honorees and advertisements from the broader professional community will be issued at the ceremony and will be available on the A.R.T. website after the event. Including a message in the commemorative journal is an effective way to publish a statement to an honoree or to promote your business to the New York archives community. 

    More details about the A.R.T. Awards Ceremony Journal Opportunity may be found here. All journal ads and payment must be received by by Monday, September 30, 2013, midnight.

    If you have any issues with the process of placing a journal ad, please contact: development@nycarchivists.org

    If you have general questions about the ART Awards Ceremony, please email ART Awards Chair, Bonnie Marie Sauer: awards@nycarchivists.org

    A.R.T. acknowledges the ongoing support of MetLife as major sponsor of New York Archives Week and the generous support of the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation.
  • Friday, August 30, 2013 9:10 PM | Deleted user

    Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) celebrates the 25th anniversary of New York Archives Week October 6-12, 2013.  We encourage participation in this big celebration and invite you and your repositories to plan an event or to list ongoing events that occur during New York Archives Week which echo the spirit of this celebration.



    Suggested New York Archives Week events include:

      Event of your choosing for 3 or 300 or 3,000!

      Open House, highlighting repository materials

      Tours of your company, institution, repository

      Exhibit utilizing materials from your repository

      Showcase current projects, either in progress or recently completed

      Report on grant-funded activities/projects

      Researcher talk/presentation on the value of your repository collections to his/her research

      Illustrate use of your repository's collection for outreach

      Film screening or festival using moving images from your repository

      Lunchtime or anytime talks by archivists, historians, and other researchers

      Informal discussions for the public to understand your collection and meet repository personnel

      Organize a walking tour of your repository's neighborhood

    Let the public know what you do.  New York Archives Week is the perfect time to create awareness of your repository. ART will include your event on the public calendar which will also be highlighted in New York Archives Week publicity.  For more suggestions on types of events, see the 2012 New York Archives Week Calendar.




    Submit your event online by Friday, September 6, 2013, 2:00 pm. Complete event details, including event date, time and location must be determined prior to submission. Please do not use this form to submit proposals for regular ART Monthly Programming events; those may be sent to programming@nycarchivists.org  for future consideration.


    We appreciate your submission via our online form, but if for some reason you need to submit your event via email, you may download a New York Archives Week Event Form in Word which you can download to complete and submit via email to: secretary@nycarchivists.org  


    QUESTIONS CONCERNING SUBMISSIONS may be sent to: secretary@nycarchivists.org

    New York Archives Week events are designed to raise public awareness of the importance of preserving and making accessible our documentary heritage. Activities include a wide range of programming, including lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and tours of repositories, all free and open to the public. In addition, as part of an effort to draw public attention to New York Archives Week and highlight the importance of our repositories and collections, ART will sponsor three events: a full-day symposium co-sponsored by the Center for Jewish History titled “Disaster Planning for Archives and their Communities” (October 7), honor our colleagues at the annual ART Awards Ceremony (October 10), and the fourth annual K-12 Archives Education Institute.


    ART acknowledges MetLife as a major sponsor of New York Archives Week.


    Best Regards,

    Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART)


  • Monday, August 26, 2013 8:17 PM | Deleted user

    Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) celebrates the 25th anniversary of New York Archives Week October 6-12, 2013. We encourage participation in this big celebration and invite you and your repositories to plan an event or to list ongoing events that also occur during New York Archives Week which echo the spirit of this celebration.


    Suggested New York Archives Week activities include:

    • Event of your choosing for 3 or 300 or 3,000!
    • Open House, highlighting repository materials
    • Tours of your company, institution, repository
    • Exhibit utilizing materials from your repository
    • Report on grant-funded activities/projects
    • Researcher talk/presentation on the value of your repository collections to his/her research
    • Film screening or festival using moving images from your repository
    • Lunchtime or anytime talks by archivists, historians, and other researchers.
    • Informal discussions for the public to understand your collection and meet repository personnel.
    • Organize a walking tour of your repository's neighborhood.

    Let the public know what you do. New York Archives Week is the perfect time to create awareness of your repository. ART will include your event on the public calendar which will also be highlighted in New York Archives Week publicity. For more suggestions on types of events, see the 2012 New York Archives Week Calendar.



    Submit your event online by Friday, August 30, 2013, 2:00 pm. Complete event details, including event date, time and location must be determined prior to submission. Please do not use this form to submit proposals for regular ART Monthly Programming events; those may be sent to programming@nycarchivists.org for future consideration.


    We appreciate your submission via our online form, but if for some reason you need to submit your event via email, you may downoad a New York Archives Week Event Form in Word which you can download to complete and submit via email to: secretary@nycarchivists.org

    QUESTIONS CONCERNING SUBMISSIONS may be sent to: secretary@nycarchivists.org

    New York Archives Week events are designed to raise public awareness of the importance of preserving and making accessible our documentary heritage. Activities include a wide range of programming, including lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and tours of repositories, all free and open to the public. In addition, as part of an effort to draw public attention to New York Archives Week and highlight the importance of our repositories and collections, ART will sponsor three events: a full-day symposium co-sponsored by the Center for Jewish History titled “Disaster Planning for Archives and their Communities” (October 7), honor our colleagues at the annual ART Awards Ceremony (October 10), and the fourth annual K-12 Archives Education Institute.

    is a major sponsor of New York Archives Week.

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:56 PM | Deleted user

    We would like to thank all of our ART members who responded to the

    The ART Board will meet on Tuesday, August 27th to review all the
    responses and thoughtful comments. Following the review,
    the ART Board will vote on a final direction and work with the
    graphic designer John Seckler to complete ART's refreshed brand.

    Thank you once again for your participation and interest!

  • Monday, August 19, 2013 11:20 PM | Deleted user

    This fall, the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) will be celebrating its 25th Annual New York Archives Week, October 6th - 12th, 2013. Archives Week events are designed to raise the public’s awareness of the importance of preserving and making accessible our documentary heritage. Activities include a wide range of programming, including lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and tours of repositories, all free and open to the public. We encourage participation in this big celebration and urge you and your repositories to plan an Archives Week event.

    In addition, as part of an effort to draw public attention to Archives Week and highlight the importance of our repositories and collections, ART will sponsor three events: we will co-sponsor a full-day symposium with the Center for Jewish History titled “Disaster Planning for Archives and their Communities” (October 7), honor our colleagues at our annual Awards Ceremony (October 10), and host the fourth annual K-12 Archives Education Institute.


    Suggested Archives Week activities:

    * Hold an open house, highlighting unique materials held by your repository.

    * Mount an exhibit using materials from your repository.

    * Demonstrate or report on activities/projects supported by grants.

    * Ask a researcher to speak on the value of your collections to his/her research.

    * Present a film festival using films or videos held by your repository.

    * Sponsor lunchtime talks by archivists, historians, and other researchers.

    * Organize a walking tour of your repository's neighborhood.


    Submit your event online by Friday, August 30, 2013, 2:00 pm. Complete event details, including event date, time and location must be determined prior to submission. Please do not use this form to submit proposals for regular ART Monthly Programming events; those may be sent to programming@nycarchivists.org for future consideration.

    EVENT SUBMISSION FORM: https://nycarchivists.wufoo.com/forms/art-new-york-archives-week-2013-submission-form/ 

    QUESTIONS CONCERNING SUBMISSIONS may be sent to: secretary@nycarchivists.org

    A.R.T. acknowledges continued support from MetLife, a major sponsor of New York Archives Week and generous support from the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation.

  • Sunday, August 11, 2013 12:45 PM | Deleted user

    The Summer 2013 issue of the Metropolitan Archivist is now available!



     Available on the ART website & Scribd.




     In this issue:


    Special thanks and appreciation goes out to ART President Pamela Cruz and the ART Board, all our contributors for their patience and understanding for the delay in publishing, and the Metropolitan Archivist Staff.

  • Friday, July 26, 2013 11:03 AM | Deleted user

    This fall, the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) will be celebrating its 25th Annual New York Archives Week, October 6th - 12th, 2013. Archives Week events are designed to raise the public’s awareness of the importance of preserving and making accessible our documentary heritage. Activities include a wide range of programming, including lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and tours of repositories, all free and open to the public. We encourage participation in this big celebration and urge you and your repositories to plan an Archives Week event.

    In addition, as part of an effort to draw public attention to Archives Week and highlight the importance of our repositories and collections, ART will sponsor three events: we will co-sponsor a full-day symposium with the Center for Jewish History titled “Disaster Planning for Archives and their Communities” (October 7), honor our colleagues at our annual Awards Ceremony (October 10), and host the fourth annual K-12 Archives Education Institute.


    Suggested Archives Week activities:

    * Hold an open house, highlighting unique materials held by your repository.

    * Mount an exhibit using materials from your repository.

    * Demonstrate or report on activities/projects supported by grants. 

    * Ask a researcher to speak on the value of your collections to his/her research.

    * Present a film festival using films or videos held by your repository.

    * Sponsor lunchtime talks by archivists, historians, and other researchers.

    * Organize a walking tour of your repository's neighborhood.


    Submit your event online by Friday, August 30, 2013, 2:00 pm. Complete event details, including event date, time and location must be determined prior to submission. Please do not use this form to submit proposals for regular ART Monthly Programming events; those may be sent to programming@nycarchivists.org for future consideration.

    EVENT SUBMISSION FORM: https://nycarchivists.wufoo.com/forms/art-new-york-archives-week-2013-submission-form/

    QUESTIONS CONCERNING SUBMISSIONS may be sent to: secretary@nycarchivists.org

    The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) recognizes the generous support of MetLife as a major sponsor of New York Archives Week.

  • Sunday, July 21, 2013 3:20 PM | Anonymous member
    The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) in conjunction with the Center for Jewish History (CJH), is organizing a one-day symposium with the aim of bringing together archivists, records managers, librarians, museum professionals, emergency responders, disaster recovery professionals, volunteers and the general public to address how professional and citizen archivists as well as related professionals can both better protect their collections from disaster and also become a resource for the larger community in disaster situations.

    Symposium Date: Monday, October 7, 2013

    Location: Center for Jewish History (CJH), New York, NY

    Proposal Deadline: August 1, 2013, midnight

    Submissions: Email to: admin@nycarchivists.org

    Guidelines: All individual presentations will be 20 minutes long (10 page paper). Submissions must include a title, name of author and institutional affiliation (if applicable), abstract (250 words max) and indication of technological requirements. Individual papers or entire panel proposals accepted. Please do not contact ART's co-sponsor and host venue, CJH, concerning submissions; all questions concerning symposium submissions should be sent to: admin@nycarchivists.org

    See the Event Posting on the ART website for more information.
  • Monday, June 17, 2013 11:34 PM | Anonymous member

    On 17 June 2013 the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) Annual Meeting and June Programming Event, co-sponsored by the Center for Jewish History, New York City was held at the Leo and Julia Forchheimer Auditorium at the Center for Jewish (CJH). At the meeting, ART members voted, as well as by ballot via email, electing the open positions on the ART Board of Directors.

    Pamela Cruz, ART Vice President/President Elect, and Mitchell Brodsky, Treasurer, delivered the ART Annual Meeting on behalf the Board of Directors. After the meeting, Kevin Schlottmann (Center for Jewish History) moderated a discussion on processing large collections with panelists Mimi Bowling (consulting archivist), Bonnie Marie Sauer (National Archives at New York City), and Susan Woodland (American Jewish Historical Society).

    2013 Election Results

    Vice President (2013–2014) President (2014–2015) 

    Ryan Anthony Donaldson 

    Treasurer (2013-2015) 

    Lindsay Turley 

    Director of the Education Committee (2013–2015) 

    Julie Maher 

    Director of the Programming Committee (2013–2015) 

    Nick Pavlik 

    Director of the Communications Committee (2013–2014) 

    Wanett Clyde

    Pamela Cruz, Vice President 2012-2013, will serve as President for 2013-2014 to complete her term, per the bylaws approved by ART Membership in May 2012. Melissa Bowling, Secretary, Anne Petrimoulx, Director of the Membership Committee and Janet Bunde, Director of the Outreach and Advocacy Committee all continue their board position terms through June 2014.

    ART thanks outgoing Board Members Rachel Chatalbash, Mitchell Brodsky and Karen Murphy for their contributions as President, Treasurer and Director of the Education Committee respectively. 

Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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