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The Archivists Round Table is collecting resources to support archivists
and allied professionals in the area related to issues of recent concern
that are impacting our communities.
Please visit our
 COVID-19 Resource Page and Human Rights & Anti-Racism Resources for more details.

  • Wednesday, September 01, 2021 8:24 AM | Anonymous

    We had such a fun time seeing you all at the Coney Island Boardwalk on Sunday! Enjoy some photos from the afternoon, and stay tuned for our upcoming events in the Fall.

  • Monday, August 16, 2021 8:07 AM | Deleted user


    We are aiming for an aggressive year of programming to inspire enthusiasm, engagement, and participation among A.R.T. members.

    To be successful, we need your help organizing programs that are informative, fresh, and fun!

    You should consider joining the Programming Committee if...

    • You'd like to have a hand in planning A.R.T. events
    • You'd like to expand member experience and benefits
    • You'd like to build a stronger A.R.T. community

    Interested members should reach out to Director of Programming, Deirdre Dinnigan, at programming@nycarchivists.org.


    Help us maintain a strong A.R.T. Community...

    Among members... Across Institutions... Within NYC.

  • Thursday, July 01, 2021 11:13 AM | Anonymous

    The Archivists Round Table is pleased to announce a brilliant slate of talented candidates for our open positions on the Board of Directors. This year the election will be conducted electronically, with the results announced at our Annual Business Meeting on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 6PM ET.

    Register to attend here: Annual Business Meeting & Board Elections

    Read the candidates' bios and statements and cast your vote!

  • Wednesday, May 26, 2021 11:22 AM | Anonymous

    The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) is formally accepting nominations for the A.R.T. Board for the 2021 election year. Terms shall commence at the conclusion of the A.R.T. Annual Meeting, to be held on Tuesday, 29 June 2021, with the announcement of the election results. The election will be conducted by electronic ballot and the Annual Meeting will take place online (more details forthcoming).

    The deadline for nomination submissions is Thursday, 17 June 2021.

    All current A.R.T. members are eligible for nomination. Nominations from colleagues and self-nominations are both welcome. We invite members to submit nominations via the Nomination Form.

    Serving on the A.R.T. Board is a unique volunteer opportunity. As an A.R.T. Board member, you will gain skills and expertise beyond the scope of your past and present work commitments. Local leadership, project management, and networking are a few of the key benefits. Most importantly, you are serving as a representative for your colleagues and all A.R.T. membership.

    This year, the following positions are up for election:

    • Vice President/President-Elect
    • Director of the Education Committee
    • Director of the Advocacy Committee
    • Director of the Programming Committee
    • Treasurer

    Committee descriptions can be found here.

    Positions are two-year terms, with the exception of the Vice President, which is a one-year term, after which the Vice President becomes President without an election, then serves as Past-President for an additional year.

    After the nomination period closes, each candidate confirming acceptance of the nomination will be required to provide a short biography (100 words or less), a candidate's statement, and a headshot for the electronic ballot, all due by Monday 21 June 2021, 6pm EDT.

  • Wednesday, April 14, 2021 12:45 PM | Anonymous

    The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (ART) is pleased to announce the 2021 NYC Preservation Week & Symposium will take place April 26th - May 2nd, 2021. Archivists and institutions throughout the city are invited to share virtual events, collection tours, and community conversations on ART’s Preservation Week calendar via this submission form

  • Monday, March 01, 2021 7:16 PM | Anonymous

    The Archivist Round Table of Metropolitan New York (ART) is pleased to open applications for its 1-1 Mentorship Program for Spring 2021.

    This program will match interested students and emerging professionals with an experienced archive professional based on mutual interests and needs. Mentors will provide guidance on topics such as the job search, contract negotiations, networking advice, specialization guidance and any other professional concerns the mentee may have.

    Applications are open for both mentors and mentees for our 1-1 Mentorship Program. We expect to have robust participation and will strive to provide the best match possible. Online application forms can be found here:

    Mentor Application Form

    Mentee Application Form

    Please submit your form by Friday, March 19th for first consideration. Matched mentors and mentees will be notified in advance and will be invited to join an orientation gathering to commence the program. 

    Any questions or concerns, please contact the Director of Membership, Colleen Daw, at membership@nycarchivists.org.

  • Tuesday, February 09, 2021 11:10 AM | Anonymous

    The board of the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (ART) has released a statement condemning the attack on the United States Capitol by those seeking to block the certification of electors in the recent presidential election and the violence that resulted in five deaths.

    We are well aware that the events that unfolded on January 6th are not without precedent; archives of the United States bear witness to many instances of violence perpetrated by those with white supremacist views seeking to wield political power. As an organization representing a diversity of cultural and governmental institutions, collections, and archivists in the New York metropolitan area, ART affirms our commitment to upholding democratic values towards the promise of a more just and free society.

    Please read the full statement on our Advocacy page: ART Statement on January 6th Attack on the Capitol

  • Monday, January 25, 2021 2:26 PM | Anonymous

    The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (ART) welcomes contributions for its winter issue of the Metropolitan Archivist, ART’s online digital quarterly featuring short- and long-form articles, digital exhibitions, and collection spotlights.

    The forthcoming issue of the Metropolitan Archivist is organized around the thematic of Participant/Observer, in contemplation of how individuals experience history–as actors and witnesses–and the myriad motivations that catalyze historical subjects across the threshold from observation to participation.

    More details and submission instructions are available via this form. Please submit by Friday, February 5th for consideration. 

    Image: "Little Rock, 1959. Mob marching from capitol to Central High," 1959. Photograph shows a young African American boy watching a group of people, some carrying American flags, march past to protest the admission of the "Little Rock Nine" to Central High School. Courtesy Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Photo: John T. Bledsoe

  • Monday, November 30, 2020 3:05 PM | Anonymous

    The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) is accepting nominations for the newly vacant position of Director of Education on the A.R.T. Board. The six-month term will commence immediately at the announcement of the election results; the successful nominee will serve until the next A.R.T. Board Election. 

    The deadline for nomination submissions is December 7th, 2020, at midnight EDT. The election ballot will be live from December 9th through December 23rd.

    All current A.R.T. members are eligible for nomination. However, candidates with education experience are highly preferred. Nominations from colleagues and self-nominations are both welcomed. The strategic plan for the A.R.T. Education Committee can be found on the A.R.T. Website.

    We invite members to submit nominations via the Nomination Form.

    Please direct any questions to Nicholas Martin, at veep@nycarchivists.org.

    Thank you for your generous participation and good luck to all the nominees!

  • Friday, October 30, 2020 10:21 AM | Anonymous

    The ART Publications Committee is pleased to announce the publication of the Metropolitan Archivist's inaugural issue as a digital quarterly on Medium. The Fall 2020 issue, Invisible City, reflects on the many ways in which visibility does and does not manifest in the archives, explored through articles, multimedia interviews, reviews, and a digital exhibition.

    Follow the Metropolitan Archivist on Medium to read and share: https://medium.com/metropolitan-archivist

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