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The Archivists Round Table is collecting resources to support archivists
and allied professionals in the area related to issues of recent concern
that are impacting our communities.
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 COVID-19 Resource Page and Human Rights & Anti-Racism Resources for more details.

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  • Tuesday, June 05, 2018 10:15 AM | Anonymous

    Posted by Leah Constantine

    Since 1979, the Archivists Round Table has supported the efforts of professionals and institutions to promote and preserve archives and records management in the New York Metropolitan area. Its archives are a document to that history and consist of a growing repository of correspondence, professional development, events, workshops, advocacy, and overall history of New York archives and individuals.

    Located in the archives at the New York Philharmonic, my exploration of ART’s archives began by creating an inventory of its materials starting with box 1, folder 1. As my time with the materials grew, so did my knowledge of its dynamic history and the many people that have contributed to its mission. ART’s archives are a testament to New York and its history, as well as the institutions that have preserved its communities and cultures.

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