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  • Monday, June 09, 2014 6:02 PM | Deleted user

    The candidates for the 2014-2015 A.R.T. Board have been announced:

    Vice President - Janet Bunde

    Secretary - Erin Allsop

    Director of the Communications Committee - Alice L. Merchant

    Director of the Membership Committee - Tamar Zeffren

    Director of the Outreach and Advocacy Committee - Tiffany Nixon

    More information on the candidates can be found here.

    2014-2015 A.R.T. Board Candidate Nominations by Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc.

    A.R.T. members can vote at the annual meeting and June programming event to be held at the Center for Jewish History on June 16th. This event is FREE for A.R.T. members and will also feature the panel discussion "Perspectives on Theatre Archives."

    If you are unable to attend the meeting, or if you know you will arrive after the voting period, you are encouraged to cast your vote via the online ballot form. The online voting period ends at 8pm on Sunday, 15 June 2014. Please note on the ballot that you must enter in the email address registered with your A.R.T. membership account.

    More information on the meeting and event, along with registration information, is available here. The deadline to register for the event is this Friday (6/13).





  • Friday, May 02, 2014 12:24 AM | Deleted user
    Call for Nominations: A.R.T. Board of Directors 2014 - 2015

    The Board of Directors of the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) announces the official call for nominations for Board positions available for the 2014 - 2015 election year. Terms shall commence at the conclusion of the A.R.T. Annual Meeting, to be held in June, with the announcement of the election results.

    Deadline for nomination submissions is Monday, 26 May 2014, midnight EST.

    All current A.R.T. members are eligible for nomination. Nominations from colleagues and self-nominations are both welcomed.

    Serving on the A.R.T. Board is a unique volunteer opportunity. As an A.R.T. Board member, you will gain skills and expertise beyond the scope of your past and present work commitments. Local leadership, project management, and networking are a few of the key benefits. Most importantly, you are serving as a representative for your colleagues and all A.R.T. membership.

    Positions are two-year terms, with the exception of the Vice President, which is a one-year term, following which the Vice President becomes President without an election. After the nominations period closes, each candidate confirming acceptance of the nomination will be required to provide a short biography, candidate statement, and headshot for the ballot, due by Friday, 30 May 2014, midnight EST.

    Open Board positions include:

     Vice President (Two Year Term: 1 year Vice President, 1 Year President)

    At the request of the President, or in the absence of the President, at the request of the Board, the Vice President shall perform all of the duties of the President and so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall solicit nominations for Director, officer and committee positions; inform the nominator and nominee of the nomination; prepare ballots with candidates’ biographies and statements; and appoint an independent election committee to receive and count the ballots. The Vice President shall serve as liaison with the President to national, regional and local professional associations; prepare a report for the Annual Business Meeting; and perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board or by the President.

    Secretary(Two Year Term)

    The Secretary shall act as secretary of all meetings of the Board, and shall keep the minutes thereof; shall be custodian of the seal of the Corporation and may seal with the seal of A.R.T., or a facsimile thereof, all documents the execution of which on behalf of the A.R.T. under its corporate seal is authorized in accordance with the provisions of the By-laws; shall have charge of A.R.T.’s books, records and papers relating to its organization and management as a Corporation, and shall see that the reports, statements and other documents required by law are properly kept and filed; shall manage the A.R.T.’s archives according to the Records Retention Policy and Schedule, and shall, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board or by the President. 

    Director of the Outreach and Advocacy Committee(Two Year Term)

    The Director of the Advocacy and Outreach Committees shall conduct outreach by coordinating community programs and promoting awareness of A.R.T. to other organizations and community groups, promote the archival profession to new audiences, advocate for the preservation and increased use of historical materials, and influence policy decisions that affect the archives profession. 

    Director of the Communications Committee(Two Year Term.)

    The Director of the Communications Committee shall identify the communications requirements of A.R.T.; manage the A.R.T. website and online presence; update and produce publications, such as the Metropolitan Archivist, for A.R.T., as needed, or as requested by the Board; communicate the concerns of A.R.T. on various subjects as needed; and perform other duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the Board.

    Director of the Membership Committee (Two Year Term.)

    The Director of the Membership Committee shall encourage institutional and individual membership in A.R.T.; develop and update an orientation packet for new members; collect and maintain personal information submitted by members, and document the reasons members have not renewed their membership.

    For further information about A.R.T.’s governance structure and the above positions, please see the by laws on the A.R.T. web site.

    Nominations are officially open to all current A.R.T. members via the official nomination form:


    Alternatively, you may email Ryan Anthony Donaldson, A.R.T. Vice President at veep@nycarchivists.org with subject line “A.R.T. Board Nomination” if you would like to nominate someone, including yourself, for a position on the A.R.T. Board.  Please send submissions ASAP; the final deadline for nominations is Thursday, 29 May 2014, midnight EST.

    If there are any questions about the open positions, or this year's election, please contact the A.R.T. Vice President: veep@nycarchivists.org




  • Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:44 PM | Deleted user
    A.R.T. members alerted the A.R.T. Board this evening of the sad news of the death of Kathleen Kirwan. A viewing has been scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, May 2nd, with details below.
    Kathleen Kirwan

    Katie Kirwan, 59, of Brooklyn, N.Y., passed away Saturday, April 26, 2014, of complications from multiple sclerosis. She was born April 1, 1955, in Youngstown, Ohio, a daughter of the late Mary Jewel and Michael J. Kirwan Jr.Ms. Kirwan was a 1973 graduate of Peters Township High School and obtained several undergraduate and master's degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and New York University. She was a former archivist in the Special Collections Department for New York City. Surviving are her brother, Michael J. Kirwan III, and three sisters, Molly J. Kirwan, Bridget M. Kirwan and Maureen K. McLaughlin. She is also survived by three nieces, Christy, Casey and Anna, and her dear friend, David Kisacky.
    Viewing is 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, May 2, in Hugh Reid Funeral Home, Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Reid Funeral Home
    153 Greenpoint Ave.
    Greenpoint, Brooklyn
    Published in Observer-Reporter on Apr. 30, 2014
  • Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:45 AM | Deleted user


    2014 New York Archives Week Awards


    Nominees for the 2014 New York Archives Week Awards Ceremony –

    Each year the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (A.R.T.) presents four awards during New York Archives Week.

    This year's event will be held on Thursday, October 9th at a location to be confirmed.

    We invite members to submit nominations for worthy colleagues, archival organizations, and innovative projects. The awards celebrate distinguished work and lasting achievements in our profession. Remember that the Awards Ceremony is only enriched and further elevated with all your nominee suggestions!

    Please use the following criteria in selecting your nominee:

    Nominee must be an A.R.T. member or operate within the New York metropolitan area.

    OUTSTANDING SUPPORT OF ARCHIVES recognizes an individual or organization for notable contributions to archival records or archives programs through political, financial or moral support.

    Past recipients include:

    2013 New York Archives Conference (NYAC)
    2012 Art Spaces Archives Project
    2011 New York City Council Member Gale Brewer
    2010 Leon Levy Foundation

    INNOVATIVE USE OF ARCHIVES recognizes an individual or organization for use of archival material in a meaningful and creative way, making a significant contribution to a community or body of people, and demonstrating the relevance of archival materials to its subject.

    Past recipients include:

    2013 Rhizome
    2012 NYPL Labs
    2011 Muslim World Music Day
    2010 The Jazz Loft Project

    ARCHIVAL ACHIEVEMENT recognizes an individual or archival program that has made an outstanding contribution to the archival profession, or a notable achievement of value to the archives community, its patrons or constituents. The recipient must be a member of A.R.T. or an archival program operating within the New York metropolitan region.

    Past recipients include:

    2013 Peter Wosh
    2012 Stephen E. Novak
    2011 Barbara Haws, New York Philharmonic
    2010 Grace Lile, Witness

    AWARD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE OF ARCHIVES Recognizes and celebrates an individual or organization who utilizes primary source materials to create engaging and informative learning experiences for diverse audiences.

    Past recipients include:

    2013 Brooklyn Historical Society for Students and Faculty in the Archives
    2012 Museum of the Moving Image for The Living Room Candidate project
    2011 Aquinas Honor Society of the Immaculate Conception School


    Nominations must be received by Thursday, May 15, 2014 for consideration.

    Please send any questions to the A.R.T. Awards Committee at awards@nycarchivists.org.
  • Saturday, March 01, 2014 8:31 PM | Deleted user
    Congratulations to all, including A.R.T. Members:
    Francine Snyder, Bonnie Marie Sauer, Shannon O'Neill!

    The Archives Leadership Institute is proud to announce its ALI14 cohort!

    We received applications from 74 applicants, all of which were very strong
    candidates. Each applicant was evaluated by three different Steering
    Committee members and scored based on their responses to a series of essay
    questions. Each of our ALI14 cohort members have shown exceptional
    leadership skills and potential, the ability to influence change within the
    archival field, a strong commitment to the archival profession,
    demonstrated professional organizational involvement and service, a
    collaborative and innovative spirit, and representation and/or support of
    diversity within the profession.

    The Program Staff, Steering Committee, and Faculty are all very much
    looking forward to the 2014 Archives Leadership Institute.

    *Bonnie Marie Sauer*
    *National Archives and Records Administration*
    Bonnie Marie Sauer is an Archivist with the National Archives at New York
    City performing as Processing Team Lead and troubleshooting system
    integration issues at NARA offices nationwide. Previously, Bonnie worked
    with the Winthrop Group, the Nassau County Museum System, and the Smithtown
    Historical Society. She holds an MLIS and certificate in Archives and
    Records Management from Long Island University.

    *Brad Houston*
    *University Records Archivist*
    *University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee*
    Brad Houston is University Records Archivist at the University of Wisconsin
    Milwaukee. He is active in both SAA and the Midwest Archives Conference,
    and currently serves as co-chair of the Southeast Wisconsin Archivists'
    Group. Brad received his MA in European History and MLS from the University
    of Maryland-College Park in 2007, and became a Certified Archivist in 2013.

    *Chris Burns*
    *Curator of Manuscripts and University Archivist*
    *University of Vermont*
    Chris is the Curator of Manuscripts in Special Collections at the
    University of Vermont Libraries. He is a former President of the New
    England Archivists, and has served as chair of the Manuscript Repositories
    Section and the Awards Committee of the Society of American Archivists. He
    holds an MLIS from Simmons College, and an MA in History from the
    University of Vermont.

    *Christian Kelleher*
    *Archivist/Assistant Head Librarian*
    *Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, The University of Texas at
    Christian Kelleher is the Archivist at the University of Texas's Nettie Lee
    Benson Latin American Collection where he manages the Rare Books &
    Manuscripts division. He holds an MLIS from UT Austin and is a Certified
    Archivist. Previously he was an archivist with History Associates
    Incorporated, and a Peace Corps Volunteer.

    *Cliff Hight*
    *University Archivist*
    *Kansas State University*
    Cliff Hight has been the University Archivist at Kansas State University
    since 2011, and has been in the profession since 2005. His professional
    activities include being on the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory
    Board, the State of Kansas Electronic Records Committee, and on the Best
    Practices and Toolbox Committee of the SAA Web Archiving Roundtable.

    *Conor Casey*
    *Labor Archives of Washington, University of Washington*
    Conor Casey is the founding labor archivist of the Labor Archives of
    Washington at the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections.
    Previously, he worked at the Labor Archives & Research Center at San
    Francisco State University (SFSU). Conor holds an MA in US history with a
    concentration in labor and public history from SFSU, a MLIS from San Jose
    State University with a concentration in archives and academic reference,
    and is a Certified Archivist. He is co-chair of the SAA Labor Archives
    Roundtable, a board member of the Pacific Northwest Labor History
    Association and the Northwest Archivists, and the president of the Pacific
    Northwest Historians Guild.

    *Cynthia Harbeson*
    *Processing Archivist/Assistant Professor*
    *Appalachian State University*
    Cynthia Harbeson is the Processing Archivist and an Assistant Professor at
    the Carol Grotnes Belk Library and Information Commons at Appalachian State
    University in Boone, North Carolina. She holds a Master of Science in
    Library Science and a Master of Arts in History from Simmons College in
    Boston, Massachusetts.

    *Dara Baker*
    *Senior Archivist, Historian, and Legislative Researcher *
    *Export-Import Bank of the U.S., Contractor*
    Dara Baker is the Senior Archivist, Historian, and Legislative Researcher
    at the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. She holds an MLS from the University
    of Maryland, College Park and a Master's in History from Harvard
    University. Dara served as Chair of the SAA Communications Task Force and
    is currently Co-Chair of the MARAC Lone Arrangers Working Group. She has
    been a Certified Archivist since 2012.

    *Francine Snyder *
    *Director of Library and Archives*
    *Guggenheim Museum*
    Francine Snyder is the Director of the Library and Archives at the Solomon
    R. Guggenheim Museum. Previously, Francine worked as Project Archivist at
    Gap, Inc and as the Slide Librarian at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
    Francine is a member of Metropolitan New York Library Council's Digital
    Services Advisory Council, the Society of American Archivists' Task Force
    on Member Affinity Groups, SAA 2011 program committee, and is a past
    co-chair for the Museum Archives Section.

    *Gerald Chaudron *
    *Preservation Librarian*
    *University of Memphis*
    Gerald is the Preservation Librarian at the University of Memphis,
    responsible for the maintenance the library and archival collections, as
    well as the digitization program. Previously, Gerald was a processing
    archivist at Mississippi State University. He has a PhD in History from the
    University of Canterbury, New Zealand, a MLIS from Louisiana State
    University at Baton Rouge, and is a Certified Archivist.

    *Gina Nichols *
    *U.S. Navy Seabee Museum*
    Gina Nichols is the Senior Archivist at the U.S. Navy Seabee Museum.
    Nichols is an adjunct professor at California State University Northridge
    teaching archival management courses for the Department of History and has
    authored four books. She is a member of the Society of American Archivists
    and a Certified Archivist.

    *Jamie Nelson *
    *Head of Special Collections and Archives*
    *DePaul University*
    Jamie Nelson is Head of Special Collections and Archives at DePaul
    University, and was previously Special Collections Librarian at Augustana
    College (Rock Island, Illinois) for thirteen years. Her continuing
    interests in the field include instruction, assessment, and dialogue about
    the digital representation of archival materials.

    *Jillian Cuellar *
    *Head, Center for Primary Research and Training & Digital Initiatives*
    *UCLA Library Special Collections*
    Jillian Cuellar is Head of the Center for Primary Research & Training and
    Digital Initiatives at UCLA Library Special Collections. She has worked as
    an archivist at NYU and Columbia University, and is active in national and
    regional professional associations. She holds a MSLIS from Pratt Institute
    and a BA in English from the University of Texas, Austin.

    *Lynette Stoudt *
    *Director, Research Center*
    *Georgia Historical Society*
    Lynette Stoudt is Director of the Georgia Historical Society Research
    Center. She held previous positions at U.C. Berkeley, Irvine, and San Diego
    and with History Associates Inc. She currently serves on the boards of the
    Society of Georgia Archivists, Savannah Heritage Emergency Response, and
    the Steering Committee of the Regional Archival Associations Consortium.

    *Mary Jo Fairchild *
    *Senior Archivist*
    *South Carolina Historical Society*
    Mary Jo Fairchild is the Director of Archives and Research at the South
    Carolina Historical Society and holds a MA in History from the College of
    Charleston, a MLIS from the University of South Carolina, and is a
    Certified Archivist. Currently, Mary Jo is the President of the South
    Carolina Archival Association and serves on the Board of Directors for the
    Friends of the Charleston County Public Library.

    *Matt Francis *
    *Archivist for Collection Management*
    *Pennsylvania State University*
    Matt Francis is the Archivist for Collection Management at Pennsylvania
    State University. Previously, Matt has worked at SUNY Potsdam and at the
    University of Wyoming's American Heritage Center. He earned a M.A. in
    public history with an archives concentration from Wright State University.
    He has served on the steering committee of SAA's Issues and Advocacy
    Roundtable, the Upstate New York Key Contact for the Membership Committee,
    and is an SAA mentor.

    *Melissa Gonzales *
    *University Archivist*
    *University of Texas at Arlington*
    Melissa Gonzales is the University Archivist at the University of Texas at
    Arlington. Currently, she is Chair of SAA's Students and New Archives
    Professionals Roundtable, and is also on the Mentoring Subcommittee. She
    has sat on the Society of Southwest Archivists' Executive Board and serves
    on the Membership and Publications Committees, respectively.

    *Michael Shallcross *
    *Assistant Archivist*
    *University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library*
    Mike Shallcross is an Assistant Archivist in the Digital Curation Division
    of the University of Michigan's Bentley Historical Library. He has
    developed policies, procedures, and tools for processing born-digital
    archives and has also contributed to the library's web archives and
    implementation of its digital infrastructure. Mike also serves on the SAA
    Publications Board and is an adjunct faculty member at the University of
    Michigan's School of Information.

    *Morna Gerrard *
    *Women and Gender Collections Archivist*
    *Georgia State University*
    Morna Gerrard is the Women and Gender Collections Archivist at Georgia
    State University. A past president of the Society of Georgia Archivists,
    she is on the board of the Georgia Archives Institute, and vice president
    of the Georgia LGBTQ Archives Project. She lives in Decatur, GA.

    *Natalie Baur*
    *Archivist, Cuban Heritage Collection*
    *University of Miami *
    Natalie Baur joined the University of Miami Libraries as the Archivist for
    the Cuban Heritage Collection in 2012. Natalie holds an MA in History, a
    certificate in Museum Studies, and an MLS with a concentration in Archives,
    Records, and Information Management. Her interests include description and
    preservation of cultural heritage materials and collaboration with
    librarians and archivists in Latin America and the Caribbean.

    *Paul Eisloeffel *
    *Curator of Audiovisual Collections*
    *Nebraska State Historical Society*
    Paul Eisloeffel is the Curator of Audiovisual Collections for the Nebraska
    State Historical Society, a position he has held since 2001. He has been
    active in professional associations, is a frequent presenter and writer on
    heritage audiovisual topics and runs a small business helping colleagues
    with their moving image holdings.

    *Sarah Dorpinghaus*
    *Digital Projects Library Manager*
    *University of Kentucky*
    Sarah Dorpinghaus is the Digital Projects Manager at the University of
    Kentucky Libraries where she oversees workflows for digital content
    creation, management, and preservation. Sarah holds an MLIS from the
    University of Iowa (2009) and her research interests include large-scale
    digitization projects. She previously held project archivist positions at
    the College of Charleston and the Chicago History Museum

    *Shannon O'Neill *
    *Associate Director of Archives and Special Collections*
    *Barnard College*
    Shannon is the Associate Director of Archives and Special Collections at
    Barnard College. Prior to joining Barnard, she worked at the Atlantic City
    Free Public Library and the Los Angeles Public Library. Shannon's
    professional interests include community-based archiving, radical
    histories, and the use of primary resource materials in education. She
    received her MLIS at UCLA in 2008.

    *Tamara Kennelly *
    *University Archivist*
    *Virginia Tech*
    Tamara Kennelly is the University Archivist at Virginia Tech. She is active
    in the International Oral History Association in which she serves on the
    English program committee for the upcoming XVIII IOHA Conference in
    Barcelona, Spain and in the Oral History Association in which she serves on
    the Diversity Committee.

    *Tywanna Whorley *
    *Manuscript Librarian*
    *Howard University*
    Tywanna Whorley is the Manuscript Librarian for the Moorland-Spingarn
    Research Center at Howard University. She received her Ph.D. from the
    School of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh. Tywanna was
    a project archivist for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers at Boston
    University. She is a former Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of
    library and Information Science at Simmons College. Tywanna is currently
    serving as the Chair of the Diversity Committee.

  • Friday, February 21, 2014 11:52 PM | Deleted user

    The Winter 2014 issue of the Metropolitan Archivist is now available. This issue features a brand new layout design created by John Seckler that we hope you enjoy, and is the debut of our new Editor-in-Chief Lindsey Wyckoff.

    Metropolitan Archivist
    is available on the A.R.T. website & Scribd.

    Please contact editor@nycarchivists.org if you are interested in joining our staff or contributing to our next issue.
  • Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:13 AM | Anonymous member

    A.R.T. sadly announces the death of Leonora Gidlund, former Director of the Municipal Archives at New York City Department of Records and Information Services (DORIS). A.R.T. Member Susan Woodland has alerted the A.R.T. Board that MARAC would like to publish an article of people's memories of Leonora in the next Mid-Atlantic Archivist

    You are invited to submit a remembrance of Leonora Gidlund for MARAC's Mid-Atantic Archivist. Please send personal and professional remembrances of Leonora to Susan Woodland by Thursday, February 20, 2014 at swoodland@ajhs.org.

  • Tuesday, February 18, 2014 12:54 AM | Anonymous member
    A.R.T. members alerted the A.R.T. Board this weekend of the sad news of the death of Leonora Gidlund, A.R.T. member and the recently retired Director of the New York City Municipal Archives, who passed away on Friday, February 14, 2014. 

    Leonora's funeral will be held tomorrow:

    Tuesday, February 18, 201410:00 am
    Holy Name of Jesus
    Shepherds Hall (basement of church)
    Brooklyn, NY

    The wake calling hours were held Sunday and Monday at Joseph Duffy Funeral Home (a.ka. M. J. Smith Funeral Home, 255 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, NY (718-499-8700).

    Messages of condolence may be posted at the funeral home website:


    Leonora was part of the Municipal Archives staff for over 28 years, most recently as Director of the Municipal Archives at New York City Department of Records and Information Services (DORIS) a position from which she retired in 2013. She was recognized by the Sloan Public Service Award in 2006, whose committee was headed by Caroline Kennedy. She was honored for making the Municipal Archives more accessible having helped to retrieve and restore 1,100 cartons of builder Robert Moses' moldy papers and helped assemble and preserve tributes made for victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Many lauded Leonora’s ability to preserve while providing access to collection materials. She also pushed for the Municipal Archives to be part of a strong stand alone entity within the Department of Records and Information Services (DORIS) and fully supported the NYC vital records index digitization project. 

    Her contributions to the archives profession were many; their impact, and her presence, will be felt for generations to come.

    Lenora is survived by her husband Lennart Gidlund, a son, and a granddaughter.

    FYI - 2006 press about Leonora:

  • Sunday, February 02, 2014 1:07 PM | Deleted user
    New York Court Archivist Isn’t Letting Retirement Stop Him

  • Monday, November 25, 2013 9:47 AM | Deleted user




    The Communications Committee is pleased to announce that Lindsey Wyckoff has joined the Metropolitan Archivist team as our new Editor-in-Chief! We’ve enjoyed working with Lindsey in her current role as Metropolitan Archivist’s book reviews editor and look forward to continuing the great partnership with her.


    Lindsey is currently the Archivist & Special Collections Librarian at Bank Street College of Education. She began working at Bank Street in 2005 shortly after receiving her master’s degree in Librarian and Information Science from Simmons College. As a lone arranger at Bank Street, Lindsey manages the Archival program and special collections and assists with planning and marketing events for the Center for Children's Literature.


    A native of New Hampshire, Lindsey enjoys traveling, reading, running, and pilates in her spare time. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Wyckoff House Museum in Brooklyn, NY.


    Please join us in celebrating Lindsey for the hard work she's done for us since 2011 and in welcoming and congratulating her on her new role!

Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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