Learn about the Advocacy Committee
The Archivists Round Table will be publishing proceedings from its recent symposium, Artists’ Records in the Archives, held on October 11th and 12th in New York City. We are looking for ART members who would like to help facilitate this project. Project responsibilities will include communication with symposium speakers, editing and formatting of submissions, and help with publicity. This work will be completed between January and June 2012.
Contact: Rachel Chatalbash, President, president@nycarchivists.org
The deadline for submitting to the ART News section of the next issue of Metropolitan Archivist is November 15th.
Submissions should be no longer than 200-250 words. If you have a compelling image to accompany your submission, please feel free to include it. (Images should be 300 dpi JPEGs and should include a caption.)
Please send your submissions to wla2103@columbia.edu.
New York Archives Week is almost here!!
This fall, ART will be celebrating its 23rd annual New York Archives Week, October 9th - 15th, 2011. Please visit our Archives Week web page for a complete listing of all ART-coordinated Archives Week events. We are thrilled to announce that approximately twenty-five Archives Week events will be held in New York City this year. On behalf of the ART Board and all participating institutions, we hope you can attend!
*The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York recognizes the generous sponsorship of Archives Week by MetLife and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation.
New York Archives Week’s premier event is the ART Awards Ceremony, the only awards program in the metropolitan New York area dedicated to honoring the work of archivists and those who support archival programs. This official celebration is vital to our professional community as these awards help strengthen relationships between New York City archivists and their supporters, and provide an opportunity for archivists to be honored by their colleagues. In this spirit, ART is pleased to announce its 2011 honorees:
The ceremony will be held at Columbia University’s Faculty House on Thursday, October 13th. We are expecting more than 100 guests and are poised for a great evening! We will be issuing Commemorative Journals containing wishes to our honorees and advertisements. Including a message in the commemorative journal is a great way to publish a statement to an honoree or to promote your business. Attached is an easy form, which you can fill out and email or mail to the Awards Committee. But please, act quickly as we need all journal ads by Wednesday, September 14, 2011.
Journal Advertisement Form
Thank you in advance for your support!
Best Regards, Bonnie Marie Sauer
Awards Committee Chair
Archives Week is intended to be a coordinated effort to bring the significance and accomplishments of archives to the public's attention. Last year, over two dozen institutions in New York City held events or exhibitions relating to archival records. We would like to see similar participation this year and thus urge you and your repositories to plan an Archives Week event.
Suggested Archives Week activities:
In addition, as part of an effort to draw public attention to Archives Week and highlight the importance of our repositories and collections, ART will sponsor three events: on Tuesday, October 11th we will hold a one day symposium on artists’ records, on the evening of Thursday, October 13th we will honor our colleagues at our Annual Awards Ceremony, and on Saturday, October 15th, the second K-12 Archives Education Institute will take place.
For all other Archives Week events, please complete this form to be submitted for inclusion in the Archivists Round Table Archives Week event calendar. The deadline for submission of the form is Thursday, September 1st. The form should be emailed to president@nycarchivists.org.
The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York recognizes the generous sponsorship of Archives Week by MetLife and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation.