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  • Tuesday, January 03, 2012 1:59 AM | Deleted user

    The new winter issue of Metropolitan Archivist is now available on the ART website or can

    Direct link: http://bit.ly/uvIagj

    In this issue:


    "FROM FEVER TO FOLDER: Session Presentations from the 'To the Source' Symposium"
    featuring contributions from Grace Lile, Jonathan Lill, and Jenna Freedman

    "The Cooper Union 100th Anniversary Photographs"
    by Julie Castelluzzo & Carol Salomon

    "Roundabout Theatre's Stephen Sondheim Theatre: Discovering Its Past"
    by Tiffany Nixon

    "Edward Steichen Archive Now Available at the Museum of Modern Art"
    by Celia Hartmann

    "Brooklyn Historical Society Launches Project to Teach Undergrads to Use Archives"
    by Robin Katz

    "METRO Digitization Grant at the Center for Jewish History"
    by Susan Woodland

    "History Coming Home"
    by John Beekman
    with Jason Kucsma, Executive Director,
    Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO)

        *BOOK REVIEWS*



       *And more, so... take a look inside!

  • Saturday, December 17, 2011 3:01 PM | Deleted user
    The New York Public Library welcomes Carl Ballenas and the Aquinas Honor Society of the Immaculate Conception School. They will present an illustrated lecture of

    When: Tuesday, December 27th, 2011
    Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
    Where: New York Public Library, Mid-Manhattan Branch,
    40th Street and 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10016

    This program is FREE.
    Please note elevators access the 6th floor after 6p.m.

    About the presenters:
    Carl Ballenas, a local historian, author and award-winning teacher with The Aquinas Honor Society of the Immaculate Conception School, a group of academically gifted students under his direction, previously partnered on the book Images of America: Jamaica Estates. Mr. Ballenas is also the coauthor of Images of America: Richmond Hill and Images of America: Maple Grove Cemetery.

    2011 ART Award Ceremony Honorees by archivistsrt, on Flickr
    The 2011 Archivists Round Table honorees (from left to right): Brian G. Andersson, retired commissioner, NYC Department of Records; Councilwoman Gale Brewer;  New York Philharmonic Archivist-Historian Barbara Haws; Bob George, director, ARChive of Contemporary Music; Amne Madi, past president, Aquinas Honor Society; and Carl Ballenas, moderator, Aquinas Honor Society. Photograph by Michael Lorenzini, 10/13/11. Via ART's Flickr page.

    Mr. Ballenas and his students received the Educational Use of Archives Award from ART at the 2011 Awards Ceremony held at Columbia University's Faculty House. The Awards Ceremony was the premier event of this year's 23rd Annual New York Archives Week. Archives Week events include lectures, tours of repositories, and workshops, all free and open to the public. These special events are designed to celebrate the importance of historical records, and to familiarize interested organizations and the public with a wealth of fascinating archival materials illuminating centuries of New York City history and culture.

    Video of the awards event has been by provided by Amne Madi, Former President of the Aquinas Honor Society: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4PALgLJANQ.


    K-12 Archival Education Institute
    Carl Ballenas examines documents from his collections with Betsy Rosalen at the K-12 Archival Education Institute at the National Archives on Saturday, December 4, 2010. Photograph by Johanna O'Toole. Via ART's Flickr page.

    Mr. Ballenas also participated in ART's inaugural K-12 Archives Education Institute (AEI). The AEI paired professional archivists with Metropolitan New York educators to demonstrate how archival documents can be incorporated in class curriculum to achieve state mandated learning standards. The focus of the 2010 AEI was on the theme of civil and human rights curricula. ART, in partnership with the National Archives at New York City and United Federation of Teachers/United Teachers of Social Studies, sponsor the AEI each year. More details, including registration information, about the 2012 AEI will become available this Spring on the ART website. 

    More about the K-12 Archives Education Institute:

    "NARA K-12 Education Institute," Archives and Public History Digital Post:

    *On January 19th, 2012, ART will present Young Historians, Local Educators, and Availing Archivists: Teaching with Primary Source Materials and Common Core Standards. This special program features the AEI, with a presentation by Marisa Gitto, AEI Curriculum Coordinator. This event is hosted by the National Archives at New York City. Admission is free but pre-registration is required on the ART website.* ART thanks MetLife for its generous support of the Archives Education Institute. 

  • Wednesday, December 14, 2011 9:47 AM | Deleted user
    New York History Blog Editor

    Description: ART seeks a dedicated and motivated volunteer to serve as ART’s Editor for the New York History blog-
    http://www.newyorkhistoryblog.com/. Nearly 2,000 people get New York History each day via E-Mail, RSS, or Twitter or Facebook updates. In this position, the Editor will be responsible for soliciting and editing 1 blog entry per month on ART’s behalf. Content for the New York History blog will be submitted to the Editor from the ART Board and ART members.
    Goals: Highlighting the work of archives and archivists in the New York metropolitan area; increasing exposure to the opportunities and challenges faced by archives and archivists; providing examples of how archivists add value to historical collections and provide service to their communities and the public
    Qualifications: Current ART member; previous experience with editing (3+ years); demonstrated experience with social media and public relations campaigns; proven ability to manage projects
    Terms: This position is for a one-year term that begins in January 2012. The position is eligible for renewal on an annual basis. The position will require 3-5 hours per month and includes soliciting submissions, editing of submissions, reviewing image permissions forms, and uploading the final copy and images to the New York History blog interface. Blog entry submissions are to be 250-500 words with 1-2 photos.
    To Apply: Please send your resume/CV to Ryan Anthony Donaldson, ART Communications and Outreach Coordinator- outreach@nycarchivists.org. The deadline to apply is December 20, 2011.
  • Thursday, November 03, 2011 7:43 PM | Deleted user

    The Archivists Round Table will be publishing proceedings from its recent symposium, Artists’ Records in the Archives, held on October 11th and 12th in New York City. We are looking for ART members who would like to help facilitate this project. Project responsibilities will include communication with symposium speakers, editing and formatting of submissions, and help with publicity. This work will be completed between January and June 2012. 

    Contact: Rachel Chatalbash, President, president@nycarchivists.org

  • Monday, October 17, 2011 10:52 PM | Deleted user

    The deadline for submitting to the ART News section of the next issue of Metropolitan Archivist is November 15th.

    The newsletter welcomes submissions regarding recently opened collections, acquired grants, surveys of collections for special projects, professional achievements, and other news of interest to the metropolitan archival community.

    Submissions should be no longer than 200-250 words. If you have a compelling image to accompany your submission, please feel free to include it. (Images should be 300 dpi JPEGs and should include a caption.)

    To view the latest and previous ART News items, see issues of Metropolitan Archivist at http://www.nycarchivists.org/Default.aspx?pageId=1035153.

    Please send your submissions to wla2103@columbia.edu.

    Thank you,
    Will Andersen
    ART News Editor, Metropolitan Archivist
    Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc.
  • Friday, September 23, 2011 11:32 AM | Anonymous member
    Please check out our updated list of volunteer opportunities here.
  • Sunday, September 18, 2011 2:04 PM | Deleted user

    New York Archives Week is almost here!!

    This fall, ART will be celebrating its 23rd annual New York Archives Week, October 9th - 15th, 2011. Please visit our Archives Week web page for a complete listing of all ART-coordinated Archives Week events. We are thrilled to announce that approximately twenty-five Archives Week events will be held in New York City this year. On behalf of the ART Board and all participating institutions, we hope you can attend!

    *The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York recognizes the generous sponsorship of Archives Week by MetLife and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation.

  • Sunday, September 04, 2011 5:57 PM | Anonymous member
    This October 9-15, 2011, the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (ART) will celebrate the 23rd Annual New York Archives Week.  Archives Week events include lectures, tours of repositories, and workshops, all free and open to the public.  These events are designed to raise the public's awareness of the importance of preserving and making accessible our documentary heritage. New York Archives Week is attended by hundreds of New York City residents each year, and is ART's primary outreach initiative.

    New York Archives Week’s premier event is the ART Awards Ceremony, the only awards program in the metropolitan New York area dedicated to honoring the work of archivists and those who support archival programs.  This official celebration is vital to our professional community as these awards help strengthen relationships between New York City archivists and their supporters, and provide an opportunity for archivists to be honored by their colleagues.  In this spirit, ART is pleased to announce its 2011 honorees:

    • Councilwoman Gale A. Brewer for Outstanding Support of Archives
    • Muslim World Music Day for Innovative Use of Archives
    • Barbara Haws for Archival Achievement
    • Aquinas Honor Society of the Immaculate Conception School for Educational Use of Archives                                  

    The ceremony will be held at Columbia University’s Faculty House on Thursday, October 13th.  We are expecting more than 100 guests and are poised for a great evening!   We will be issuing Commemorative Journals containing wishes to our honorees and advertisements.  Including a message in the commemorative journal is a great way to publish a statement to an honoree or to promote your business.  Attached is an easy form, which you can fill out and email or mail to the Awards Committee.  But please, act quickly as we need all journal ads by Wednesday, September 14, 2011. 

    Journal Advertisement Form

    Thank you in advance for your support!

    Best Regards,
    Bonnie Marie Sauer

    Awards Committee Chair

  • Monday, August 29, 2011 3:26 PM | Anonymous member
    There are several resources in New York to assist your organization's
    recovery from Hurricane Irene.   The State Office of Emergency
    Management provides assistance, including access to products and
    recovery services.  Go to: http://www.dhses.ny.gov/

    The State Library and State Archives have resources to assist you.
    Contacts, services, and resources are listed below by your
    organization type. The State Library and State Archives are also
    responsible for gathering information about the extent of damage to
    your building and/or collections as well as recovery costs.  Contact
    Barbara Lilley (blilley@mail.nysed.gov) or Maria Holden
    (mholden@mail.nysed.gov) to report the impact of the storm on your


    State Library staff are available to provide advice on recovering
    collections.  Contact the State Library at (518) 486-4864.  For
    additional resources, go to

    State Agencies:

    Archives staff are available to provide advice on recovering damaged
    records. When agency records are believed to constitute a hazard to
    human safety or health or to property, the agency records management
    officer may request authorization from the State Archives to destroy
    or dispose of such records immediately. Contact the Archives at (518)
    474-6926 or (518) 473-4254. For a complete listing of State Archives
    disaster services and resources, go to:

    Local Governments:

    The State Archives Regional Advisory Officers are available by
    phone/email to provide advice on recovering archives and records and
    to assist you in applying for a recovery grant. Local governments may
    be eligible for up to $20,000 in disaster recovery funding for damaged
    records. Contact your Regional Advisory Officer
    or call the Archives at (518) 474-6926 or (518) 473-4254. For a
    complete listing of State Archives disaster services and resources, go
    to: http://www.archives.nysed.gov/a/records/mr_disaster.shtml

    Other Cultural Institutions (museums, historical societies, non-government archives):

    State Archives and State Library staff are available to provide advice
    on recovering collections.  Contact the State Library at (518)
    486-4864 or the State Archives at (518) 474-6926 or (518) 473-4254.
  • Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:24 PM | Anonymous member
    This fall, the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (ART) will be celebrating its 23rd Annual New York Archives Week, October 9th - 15th, 2011. Archives Week events are designed to raise the public’s awareness of the importance of preserving and making accessible our documentary heritage. Activities include a wide range of programming, including lectures, workshops, exhibitions, and tours of repositories, all free and open to the public. 

    Archives Week is intended to be a coordinated effort to bring the significance and accomplishments of archives to the public's attention.  Last year, over two dozen institutions in New York City held events or exhibitions relating to archival records. We would like to see similar participation this year and thus urge you and your repositories to plan an Archives Week event. 

    Suggested Archives Week activities:

    • Hold an open house, highlighting unique materials held by your repository.
    • Mount an exhibit using materials from your repository.
    • Demonstrate or report on activities/projects supported by grants.
    • Ask a researcher to speak on the value of your collections to his/her research.
    • Present a film festival using films or videos held by your repository.
    • Sponsor lunchtime talks by archivists, historians, and other researchers.
    • Organize a walking tour of your repository's neighborhood.

    In addition, as part of an effort to draw public attention to Archives Week and highlight the importance of our repositories and collections, ART will sponsor three events: on Tuesday, October 11th we will hold a one day symposium on artists’ records, on the evening of Thursday, October 13th we will honor our colleagues at our Annual Awards Ceremony, and on Saturday, October 15th, the second K-12 Archives Education Institute will take place.

    For all other Archives Week events, please complete this form to be submitted for inclusion in the Archivists Round Table Archives Week event calendar. The deadline for submission of the form is Thursday, September 1st.  The form should be emailed to president@nycarchivists.org.

    The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York recognizes the generous sponsorship of Archives Week by MetLife and the Lucius N. Littauer Foundation.

Questions? communications@nycarchivists.org

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